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Legislation Fit for the Digital Age

Host: GDV Location: Radisson RED Hotel, Rue d’Idalie 35, 1050 Brussels, Belgium Time: 30/04/24 - 12:00 pm
30/04/24 On-Site-Event

Legislation Fit for the Digital Age Copy link

In the second half of this legislative cycle numerous legislative acts have been proposed under the heading “Europe Fit for the Digital Age”. As Brussels gets ready for the new term we would like to have a closer look at principles, patterns and rules that apply to good digital legislation. In other words: How to regulate AI, cyber or data sharing in a way which is future-proof, robust and generates trust, but is also tailor-made, lean and inducive to innovation?



  • Yvo Volman (© Yvo Volman)
    Yvo Volman
    Director (Data), DG CNECT, European Commission (replacing Renate Nikolay, Deputy Director General, DG CNECT)
  • Kai Zenner (© Kai Zenner)
    Kai Zenner
    Head of Office to MEP Axel Voss, European Parliament
  • Frederico Olivera da Silva (© Frederico Olivera da Silva)
    Frederico Oliveira da Silva
    Acting Head of Digital Rights, BEUC
  • Vincenzo Renda (© Vincenzo Renda)
    Vincenzo Renda
    Director for Single Market & Digital Competitiveness, Digital Europe
  • Stefan Gehring (© Stefan Gehring)
    Stefan Gehring
    General Counsel and Group Compliance Officer, MunichRe
  • © Jennifer Baker
    Jennifer Baker


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